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Crown Cruise Vacations | March 31, 2025

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When Good Trips Go Bad: 3 Reasons to Get Travel Insurance

When Good Trips Go Bad: 3 Reasons to Get Travel Insurance

Everyone knows plans for the future can change, and often its for unplanned circumstances. Travel and vacations are no exceptions, and the unforeseen can end up being extremely costly. Fortunately, there is a tool can make you whole financially when the worst happens to prevent, or cut short a vacation. It’s called travel insurance, and its something that not enough people take.

Most just don’t think anything will happen to them so they don’t feel a need. But the truth is, things do happen – and its better to be prepared than left in the lurch. But here are three great reasons to insure the investment you’re making on that next vacation.

You Get Sick or Fired

This one is obvious, its two weeks before the trip and there’s an accident with a broken leg, or some other health incident – or even worse, there’s a layoff and the budget for the vacation has just completely evaporated. In many cases, at this point that trip is nonrefundable. So in addition to the other costs from a job loss or that medical issue, there’s the lost money tied up in the trip that never was. Most trip insurance policies will cover cancellation for these issues, even if the travel provider insists on keeping the money. Policies cover cancellations for other sudden circumstances as well, including court appearances as a witness, burglary or vandalism to the traveler’s home just before departure, or even a fender bender on the way to the departure point that causes a missed flight or cruise. Every policy is different, so asking questions to a travel agent about exactly which circumstances are covered under which policy is extremely important.

That Darn Norovirus

So on that trip, there was that delicious Carne Asada at the local place that just didn’t sit well at all. Getting so sick that a visit to a doctor is in order is never a fun thing. But when it happens overseas, its even worse. After all, most medical insurance doesn’t cover people traveling outside of the US which means getting stuck with a bill that can be very high. Accidents happen too, and if anything gets so serious that an evacuation becomes necessary, the bill easily climbs into five figures and without travel insurance, someone could easily be left out a year’s salary just to get home in an emergency.

It’s All About The Loved Ones

It’s not just about what happens with the people on vacation that can affect travel, loved ones at home can do the very same thing unknowingly. When a parent or a child, or another close relative gets ill or worse, it can make travel impossible. Insurance covers these situations as well, and having the piece of mind knowing that you’ll get something back if that cruise gets cut short for an emergency flight home to cover both the lost vacation days as well as the arrangements to get back is frankly, invaluable.

There are dozens of reasons to take insurance on every single vacation, much more than the three that we talked about. But remember, every policy is a little different. Some cover this but not that. Some cover that but not this. Another might cover both but cost twice as much. It can be a confusing list of options, and that’s why talking with a travel professional is often the best thing to do.

Crown Cruise Vacations uses Travel Insured International as their preferred insurance provider. For more information on the Crown Cruise Vacations insurance plan, just click here.