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Crown Cruise Vacations | March 31, 2025

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Global Cell Phones: Pros and Cons

Global Cell Phones: Pros and Cons

For most people, an international vacation means an opportunity to be something most of us don’t get a chance to be anymore – off the communication grid. For a few of us, that’s a welcome opportunity. For others, its a real challenge – especially because using that smart phone means an extremely high mobile phone bill the next month in most cases. A number of companies offer the ability to rent or buy a prepaid global cell phone. This option has pros and cons to it, though. Let’s explore!

Pro: Always a Phone Call Away

15 years ago, there were phone booths everywhere when traveling. Sure, it meant an expensive call – but making that call to family at home was still something that was easy and achievable to do. Now, not so much – especially if the phone’s native calling system isn’t compatible with the networks in the country being visited. One big benefit to having a global cell phone is that pay phones suddenly become unnecessary and the calls even get cheaper. With a Wireless Traveler cell phone, for example, a call to the US from France costs well under a dollar a minute. Much cheaper than a payphone or even your own iPhone. Texts are even free to receive and cost just 20 cents to send.

Con: Always A Phone Call Away

There is a downside to this, though. You’re always reachable! And when trying to get away from it all… that can be a bit trying, to say the least. The one upside with having a global phone is that it will have its own number – so unless the number is shared, the phone calls probably aren’t really going to come in.

Pro: The Phone Will Work

With a global cell phone, its generally GSM technology or dual-band. This means the phone will work all over the world without a problem. Some older US cell networks use CDMA technology which is not in common use across Europe or Asia or even much of the rest of the world.

Con: It Works EXCEPT At Sea

Most global phones aren’t compatible with ship cell signals. This isn’t really a design issue, its a cost issue. While at sea on a cruise ship, a US cell phone will work – but its roaming and those rates are astronomical – sometimes upwards of several dollars a minute. So this con could really be a pro, because the cost savings could be significant.

Pro: The Bill is Smaller

Heavy phone users can really get a good benefit out of a prepaid global mobile phone. Because its cheaper than a regular cell phone. One of the folks in our office loves his iPhone. He took it on a cruise and came back to a four figure cell phone bill. Nobody wants that kind of bill, and a Global Traveler phone can solve that problem, because 65 cents a minute is a lot lighter on the wallet than the 1.39 a minute roaming charges, users could be paying. And with Global Traveler incoming calls and texts don’t cost a thing.

On balance? It’s worth it to have that cell phone with you for emergencies – at the office or at home. And as our world gets more and more interconnected, sometimes having that phone is even important on vacation. And for those looking to get away from it all, even with a global phone, it can still be done. It’s called the Power button. It can always be turned off.

For more information on Global Cell Phones, check out the specials that Wireless Traveler can offer you through our agency. Just click here!