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Cruise Trivia Quiz: December ‘63
June 27, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler FinchThis bit of trivia may be a toughie because many of you probably weren’t even born when this song was popular.
The quiz is to identify what quartet sang the powerhouse song. Released in 1975, the song quickly soared up the hit charts.
Although I was around when the song originally came out, I also got to enjoy it one evening aboard the Celebrity Summit. Using no stage set or props and with only powerful voices and excellent lighting, the ship’s performers soon had passengers singing along with them.
Celebrity Summit’s Café al Bacio Features Great Coffee Plus Ocean Views
June 20, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler FinchI don’t even drink coffee. So what was I doing sitting at Café al Bacio on the newly renovated Celebrity Summit?
I was enjoying the ocean view and sipping a chilled Tia Cappuccino. Yes, it did have expresso in it, but the yummy drink also had Tia Maria Liqueur, Tito’s Vodka, creamy foam and salted caramel.
Cruise Trivia: Name This Famous Ball Player
June 13, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler FinchFor all you dedicated sports fans, can you identify this hard-charging professional baseball player?
Although he is one of the best in the business, he has never made it into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
As a second bit of cruise trivia, do you know why he has not been so honored?
Visiting the Canary Islands: Dragon Trees Said to Spill ‘Dragon Blood’
June 6, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler FinchLegend says that when dragons die, they become dragon trees. So the liqueur I am drinking is named dragon’s blood since it came from the legendary dragon tree.
“It is called Drag,” tour guide Cathy Michel says while I savor a drink at La Casa del Drago. “It comes from the dragon tree. It tastes good and is good for you.”
Woman Marks 282nd Cruise With Princess Cruises
May 30, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler FinchIn 1989, Ilene Weiner and her husband set sail aboard the Fair Princess to the Caribbean. That was the beginning of an amazing journey and a long-lasting love affair.
Three decades later, Ilene is still cruising. She is now the most-traveled guest on Princess Cruises and just celebrated her 282nd cruise, marking 2,500 days at sea.
The Theatre
May 23, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler Finch“The stage has no curtain,” the woman seated next to me whispered when we sat down in the new Celebrity Edge Theatre.
She was right. Not only does the new Celebrity Edge Theatre not have a curtain, the stage itself extends into the audience.
“This is a very different theatre than you are used to on a ship,” said Richard D. Fain, chairman and CEO of Celebrity’s parent company, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. “The in-the-round design puts everyone closer to the stage.”
Alaskan Legend Fannie ‘Q’ Quigley to be Honored by Princess Cruises
May 16, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler FinchFannie “Q” Quigley (1870-1944) was quite a lady. She was a prospector, trapper, hunter, woodcutter, gardener, dog musher and great sourdough cook. She also offered tons of hospitality.
In honor of the Alaskan legend, Princess Cruises will be debuting a new restaurant and bar showcasing her story and featuring locally inspired dishes in a modern saloon setting.
Visiting Salamanca: Learning About Iberian Ham From a Spanish Champion in Salamanca
May 9, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler FinchAnselmo Perez didn’t eat much Iberian ham when he was growing up. “We couldn’t afford it,” he said.
Now, Perez can eat as much of the exquisite delicacy as he wants. And he can have it carved by one of Spain’s champion Iberian ham carvers – himself.
Celebrity Edge’s Eden Features Eve and Much More
May 2, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler FinchI entered Eden several times and each time it looked different. In the morning, it was a good place to sit quietly, sip a Coke and go over my cruise notes.
In the afternoon, two dancers were offering interpretive movements, an aerialist twirled overhead and a sitar player created some mood music.
Dr. Seuss Entertains all Ages Aboard Carnival Sensation
April 25, 2019 | Jackie Sheckler FinchABOARD THE CARNIVAL SENSATION – Do you like green eggs and ham? How about moose juice or goose juice?
Chances are your children like them. And youngsters know exactly where such creative food came from – Dr. Seuss.
Now children of all ages can enjoy an exciting partnership with Dr. Seuss Enterprises and Carnival Cruise Lines.
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