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Crown Cruise Vacations | March 31, 2025

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Choosing to Skip Long Dining Lines on the Carnival Victory

Choosing to Skip Long Dining Lines on the Carnival Victory
Jackie Sheckler Finch

ABOARD THE CARNIVAL VICTORY – In my first day aboard the Carnival Victory, I noticed the lengthy food lines, packed swimming pools, crowded bars and difficulty finding seats to watch the nightly Dive-In Theater movies. But I also found a way to beat some of those lines – dine early.

I had picked the Your Time Dining option in the Atlantic Dining Room on Deck 3 Forward and am glad I did. That is always my dinner choice when it is offered. That means I can choose to have my evening meal in that dining room anytime between 5:45 and 9:30 p.m.

Other dining choices include reserved Early Dining at 6 p.m. in the two-story Pacific Dining Room on Deck 3 and Deck 4 Aft or the upper Deck 4 Forward of Atlantic Dining Room. The Late Dining option is offered in both of those restaurants at 8:15 p.m.

I like Your Time Dining because I might be busy ashore or doing something on the ship and not want to stop for a reserved seat for Early or Late Dining.  To each his own, but I prefer to dine early so I can walk around the ship, enjoy the evening’s show (two productions are offered at 8:15 and again at 10:15), listen to music in the bars and enjoy peaceful time on my cabin balcony before going to bed.

For my first night, I arrived at the Atlantic Dining Room shortly after it opened at 5:45. The place was almost empty, and I was given my choice of where to sit – a table for one by the window so I can watch the ocean roll. My serving staff of Maribel and Yasser both thanked me for dining early.

Come 8 or 9 o’clock, Maribel said, passengers would converge on the Your Time Dining room, and some might have to wait with beepers until seats are available. I plan to dine at 5:45 each evening on my cruise.

Of course, cruisers also have the option of eating in the more casual Lido buffet on Deck 9 or at other specialty spots around the ship. And room service is always available.

Photos and story by Jackie Sheckler Finch